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Dating Colombian Women: QUICK Conflict Resolutions

A man and woman talking about relationship issues. Put a stop to your relationship issues before they blow up.

Let’s be real.

We all know that the road to true love and a happily-ever-after is not always paved by flowers and fun times.

Sometimes, relationship issues do come up and threaten even the most stable partnerships. You and your Colombian lady could have years together but still fear the possibility of breaking up.

We bet you would know of happy couples who went through struggles the same way.

Did they get out of it successfully and stronger as partners? Or did they find parting ways to be the only viable solution?

Whatever their resolutions may be, there is one lesson you should learn from these kinds of situations: Knowing how to solve relationship problems without breaking up can be weathered with the time and effort provided by both parties involved.

Meaning, you and your loving partner need to have the desire to fix what has come undone.

And what step towards this would be better than knowing early on beforehand what you should do to handle such issues that might come your way?

In this relationship advice, we list down the common hurdles that test a couple's bond, each provided with a countermeasure as well.

Remember, this will require nothing more than what you already have as foundations of your relationship for you to salvage the love you think you might have lost.

And, hey, if you can get through one problem at a time, trust that you will be able to weather through everything else.

Issue: Sex.

Just because you are boyfriend & girlfriend or husband & wife, it does not mean that you will automatically match each other’s love language and sexual needs.

Compatibility is not equal to being a carbon copy of one another.

However, sex should not be one to break your relationship. Because, come to think of it, sex is one of the best ways to be close with a partner; plus the fact that it produces the pleasure hormone.

Sex is meant to work towards the benefit of your partnership.

Solution: Pillow talk it out.

Insist on a plan that will work for you and your Colombian lady.

Never force yourself on her nor allow yourself to be forced into being intimate.

Respect and consent are the main keywords when it comes to sex — much like most things in any given relationship.

You can also spice things up a bit.

Try new places, new positions.

But most of all, learn what pleases you both and be willing to introduce it to the relationship.

That’s what sex is all about, right?

Issue: Fights.

They say that conflicts help strengthen a partnership.

That may be a nice thought and all if it means learning from it and doing better thereafter, but for some couples, conflicts can only harden their hearts.

Fights in your relationship may be inevitable, as you are two different people, raised with different cultures, practices, and beliefs, but they should not be about insignificant things.

If you have unfinished businesses that you can’t help but get back to from time to time, then you are surely in a toxic relationship.

Solution: Argue the right way.

No matter what you and your partner argue about, always be respectful and constructive.

This way, you can go over the details and effectively come up with a solution.

Also, there is no need to be defensive when your partner fumes about something — nothing right will come out of that. Be honest, direct, level-headed, and understanding.

Know when to properly apologize when you are in the wrong. This can work wonders when it comes to saving your relationship.

Furthermore, if it gets too bad, don’t be afraid to opt for couples counseling.

A woman counting money. Relationship advice: Discuss money with your partner, and it won’t get in the way of your relationship.

Issue: Housework.

As adults, you and your Colombian partner are expected to be able to work out a schedule for several chores you need to get done.

But, true enough, there are many unforeseen circumstances that can derail anyone from doing their respective chores. As a result, this can be a source for relationship issues.

Ask yourself these questions: Do you rely on your girlfriend or wife to pick up after you? Is there an understanding in the relationship that you can expect her to assist you with, without needing to tell her so?

If you don’t consider these things, it might produce a never-ending cycle of waiting for each other and never actually getting anything done in the end.

As the chores pile up, so does the animosity.

Solution: Do your own homework.

Make a list of the things you need to get done. Include even the not so important ones, such as checking emails and putting up requests to companies.

From there, divide and assign which of you will take up these tasks.

Be fair, smart, and direct with regards to how you should take on these chores.

Another option is to simply hire extra help if it is truly too much for any of you to handle. The bottomline is to strategize something that will work for the both of you.

Issue: Finances.

At whatever stage you may be in your relationship — married or dating, talking about money is never simple and smooth.

We understand; it is without a doubt a very serious, heavy topic to navigate. It can also make or break a future together with your partner if not handled well.

It does not help that some couples do not have the same spending habits, nor do they really care about or understand the value of money.

Then the scary paper bills come, and a fight ensues.

Solution: Map out the future.

The first step to resolving this is to be honest with each other about your financial situation.

Yes, this will include savings, debts, what you have invested, and what you are working towards.

Lay them all out for discussion — calm and collected as you do. Do not wait for a crisis to take over your rational thinking, lest be in an ugly breakdown.

Second, learn to acknowledge when you are living beyond your means and if your spending pattern has become unrealistic. Then combine your plans, from the short-term to the longer ones.

You can also separate a section of your money for savings — just to be ready for the unexpected.

Work on being proactive rather than reactive. You can also choose to work with professionals if this issue persists.

To Fight and Make Up

No matter what troubles you and your Colombian lady may be facing, believe that there is a way to overcome them. Believe in solutions that will lead you to become stronger and better as individuals and as a couple.

Refer to this relationship advice time after time and we know that you’ll be ready for whatever you’ll face on the road of love. Fight for the love you deserve and don’t give up on achieving your dream of having a happy and fulfilling love life.

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